
Have Questions?

We have collected some of the most popular questions from our clients to help you navigate our services faster. If your question is not in the list, you can send your question in the form below, we will definitely answer it as soon as possible!

No case is too complicated, we have sufficient knowledge and experience to tackle any problem and help all clients notwithstanding severity of the situation.

We do, in fact, loan assistance is one of our most popular services. Credit Mount creates a profound comprehensive strategy in order to secure loans and help you achieve goals. We have been working with financial institutions for more than 14 years and know what exactly is necessary for approval. Besides, we have strong ties with a wide range of lending organizations nationwide and would gladly leverage our connections and knowledge for your benefit. Our specialists would engage in interaction with financial institutions, mortgage brokers and loan officers on your behalf negotiating the best loan conditions possible and making your life better and simpler.

Sure, lowering interest rates and mortgage refinancing is very real even if your credit history is far from perfect and your credit score is not high. We can improve your credit history and prepare your case to make you eligible for that. Please, call us to discuss your case.

Yes, of course, we frequently build credit history from scratch for our clients. A good way to start is obtaining secured credit cards from major banks. However, strategy depends upon your long- term and short- term needs and goals.

Credit bureaus members or subscribers of the credit bureaus transmit information to consumers’ credit reports. However, not all financial institutions and lenders are members/subscribers of all the three credit bureaus. If they are not members of a particular credit bureau, their information will not be displayed on your credit report.

Negative credit information can remain on your credit report for seven years. Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies are reported for ten years from the date of filing.

Low credit score is usually the result of late payments, collections and charge-offs. It means that your credit application would be either turned down  or you would be offered unfavorable loan conditions with high interest rate. The higher your credit score is, the better  loan conditions you would get and the higher sums of money you could borrow. If your credit score is high, you are considered a “prime borrower” and will have no difficulty in obtaining financing on favorable terms.

A credit score is a number between 350 and 850 which is mathematically calculated based on information on your credit report. The higher your score,  the better loan conditions you can obtain. This score helps lenders makes decisions on your case  and determines whether you can get credit, a low interest rate or a high credit limit on a credit card, whether you are eligible for an auto loan or a mortgage.

We are professional consultants assisting clients  in increasing credit scores and cleaning credit histories. Many individuals simply do not possess time, experience, and necessary knowledge to improve situation and overcome  bureaucracies. We are in business for more than 14 years and possess all the necessary qualifications to raise your credit score fast and help you achieve your goals. Let professionals do the job, sit back and relax